Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's only July 7 and we have too much squash

Whoever said to only plant one zucchini plant in a home garden was a wise person indeed. We did heed that advice and only planted one zucchini, but for whatever reason, I planted two types of yellow squash. And now we have tons of it. Karl had zucchini and yellow squash for dinner a couple times while the kids and I were gone, we had it last night and there's still plenty more in the fridge. So, even though the temperature was in the triple digits, I turned the oven on for a half hour and made muffins. The kids have declared that they like this squash cooking method the best.

1 comment:

  1. That's one nice photo you took! Very professional. :) And no, there is never too much squash!
