Monday, May 16, 2011

Film Crew

We have an interesting, but really very crazy, life around here. This past Saturday, we welcomed a film crew to our home. They are putting a documentary together on urban beekeeping and had gotten our name from a fellow beekeeper. I think they were intrigued by the fact that our beehive is inside our house. I guess that is a bit strange.

Anyway, they arrived on Saturday morning, set up their equipment on the porch and then filmed Karl and Kai working with the hive.

Karl's goal was to take four frames that were filled with honey out from the top super. This was honey that we had left for the bees in the fall to eat over the winter. Turned out that they didn't eat it so were able to take it.

While Karl was pulling frames from the top super, the queen fell out and landed on the floor. That definitely wasn't supposed to happen as she was supposed to be safely ensconced in a lower super under the queen excluder. Oops. When Karl had rearranged the hive a couple of weeks ago, he hadn't seen her, but he thought that she was down below. Apparently not, so that rookie mistake was caught on camera.

Luckily, because our hive is indoors and there is a nice clear floor instead of grass or weeds, it was easy to collect the queen and place her gently back where she was supposed to be.

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