Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Karl here, posting a bit about our morning with the bees on the 300 block of C Street in SE Washington DC this past Monday.

As Background: The city had gotten some complaints of bees living in the base of a dead tree right on a city sidewalk. They realized they were honey bees and put the word out to the local beekeepers to see if anyone could help move them - rather than kill them all. Thank you Washington DC - well played.

Toni is our neighbor here on Capitol Hill and is a fellow beekeeper. She is affectionately known as "the Queen Bee." She's the one they called, of course, and like only Toni can, she took charge and organized a half dozen or so of us to help.

A few days before, city tree trimmers had cut back the tree to just a trunk (I forgot to photograph the 10 ft. long rotten hole down inside the center of the tree!). When they had cut it back, someone stapled a bit of netting across the top to keep the bees contained during the project. In looking at where they chose to move, you have to give them credit - they sure had found a nice pad with lots of square footage right in a prime DC neighborhood.

We all met at the tree at 9 am. A beekeeper from PG County MD drove in with his pickup truck, city agencies were represented and all the white bee jackets made us look like a biohazard team. When I drove in past the road-cones, Julie objected; "Karl, the street is closed!" I thought my reply was funny; "I know honey, I'm part of the crew!" We parked in the middle of the street behind the tree shredder truck - just like detectives at a crime scene always do on TV!

The idea: cover the holes with screens so the bees (and especially the queen) would stay together in the tree, keep the tree (their hive) intact, move it into the bed of the truck drive them all to a monastery in NW DC. The gang would then crack it open, take out the queen and move her and her worker girls into a 'real' hive. (I had to get to work, and couldn't go up for that part... bummer!).

I have to say, I think we did a terrific job. The photos tell the story better than could, so here you go.

A screen covers the bees exit while a DC DDOT guy cuts the trunk off at the base (but PLENTY of bees are flying). There were VERY few stings (2 i think), given all the noise and activity.

Getting ready to crack the trunk off the root base...

That's me in the bed, helping to pull the trunk into the truck.

Toni and friend with their noses in the bees after they were loaded and covered with a tarp.

And finally, a small hive was set up on the stump to collect stragglers. A bit of sugar and some queen pheromone were put inside to help the bees feel at home. Later that night (when the bees were inside for the night) the box was collected and the girls were taken up to NW to be with Mom. A happy ending for all!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our Week in Flour

The kids and I went blackberry and peach picking out at Homestead Orchard in Poolsville, MD last week. For dessert, I made a blackberry-peach cobbler.

Mortgage Buster and Brandywine Tomatoes were ripening in the backyard so I made a couple loaves of bread for BLTs.

And Karl made banana muffins for breakfast last weekend. He used the recipe in the Barefoot Contessa cookbook which calls for two sticks of butter for a dozen muffins. Delicious, but not something you could eat every day without feeling your arteries harden.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Drowning in Cukes...and Tomatoes and Zucchini

We've harvested at least one cucumber and a zucchini or yellow squash every day for the last couple of weeks. The tomatoes are going strong, too. Mostly cherry tomatoes are ripe, but we did pick a Mortgage Buster a couple days ago.

Karl opened up the hive late last week and was very happy to see larvae. Seems our queen must have left the mason jar and when straight back into the hive. The hive seems really strong so Karl put another super on top. The hive is now as tall as he is.